
Permalink link Published 6 February 2016

Tipping Appreciated

Awakeman! comic
  • chatTranscript
    Panel 1

    Awakeman holds up the Ducky, and asks a question to Science Jesus:

    AWAKEMAN: So what does this do?

    DUCKY: Quack!

    Panel 2

    NARRATOR: A considerable time later…

    Science Jesus stands in front of a whiteboard covered in mathematical nonsense, hands in coat pockets, facing to the right.

    SCIENCE JESUS: That’s the basic theory. Any questions?

    AWAKEMAN: No! No. No questions, no questions ever again. Ever.

    Panel 3

    Awakeman is sitting on a chair behind the Ducky, which is on a stool. Both are facing toward the left.

    SCIENCE JESUS: Oh. Pity. I thought you’d at least ask for the bill.

    A miniature storm cloud then materialises over Awakeman’s head, from which miniature lightning bolts down.